You are finally engaged! You have waited so long for this and here you are a bride to be planning your wedding. This is one of the most exciting times in your life! You may find your emotions are all over the place as you begin the task of planning your wedding.
You are also about to embark on the search for the most meaningful garment you will ever wear.

We have done thousands of bridal appointments over the years and there are so many emotions that a bride may experience during an appointment. If you have never looked for a wedding dress, this will definitely help if you experience them during your search!

Anxiety. Most often we find brides have anywhere from a slight nervousness to almost panic when starting out. We do our best before the appointment even begins to put every bride at ease, and most of the time the anxiety disappears quickly and turns into excitement. If it does not, some of the changes we make are easy ones such as offering mom or sister to help in the dressing room, and/or moving the bride to a more private/quiet area. These usually do the trick and allow the bride the space she needs to breathe and think calmly.
Excitement. You have thought about being a bride for so long and the dress search is incredibly exciting! Chances are you have a Pinterest board full of dresses and cannot wait to start trying on!
Wonder/Insecurity. Will it be as amazing for you as the brides on TV make it out to be? Or as great as your friends? Will anything look good? Will you find what you love in your budget? Will you know when its the right dress? How many stores will you need to visit? How many dresses should you try on? Will you cry? Will you have your “moment”?
Shock and Awe. This is a big one. Make no mistake about it, trying on a wedding dress is like nothing you have ever experienced. This is not like trying on a pair of jeans or a jacket. Wedding dresses are magic and you will be shocked at how incredibly special you feel in them! Also, this is the time that the gravity of the situation hits… “Holy sh*t, I’m getting married!!”
Confusion. This happens for a number of reasons. The most common is when you won’t stop looking and you have tried on so many that you don’t know what you want anymore. Another reason is that you have not chosen what silhouette you want and now you have multiple favorites that are completely different and don’t know which to pick. Or, you have started looking over your budget and you don’t like anything in budget anymore. You may be confused with regard to sizing of wedding dresses (they run 1-2 sizes small). This also occurs when you are given conflicting information from multiple stores, and you don’t know the truth. (Just ask us, we are known for our honesty even if it does cost us a sale.)
Overwhelm. This also can happen for a number of reasons. First as mentioned above, you may have gone to too many stores, or perhaps been given conflicting information, and/or tried on too many dresses. But another one we see often is too many people in a group. The search for opinions and approval, lots of pictures, you find the one but you’re told to “sleep on it”, all of these can lead to an overwhelming experience for you. (When a bride hits this stage, we will often suggest the she take a break from shopping for several days and/or return with a smaller group.) Covid has forced us to limit the number of guests allowed in the store, however Facetime calls are unlimited guests.

The Moment. If there was a word for this… priceless? But priceless doesn’t even cover it. You can’t stage, plan, or recreate it. When the moment happens, brides react in ways that surprise themselves. The bride who says, “I doubt I’ll cry when I find my dress,” is often the one who does. On the other side, we’ve had shy brides announce, “This is it, this is my dress,” with absolute confidence and a big smile. Regardless of the reaction, this is a life moment to be embraced and celebrated! You will always remember your moment.
Deflate. You’re in the moment, relishing it as well as the dress you can see yourself walking down the aisle in!! And then someone says, “You can’t say yes today, you have to sleep on it.” You are forced into two places, disappointment (“But, I came out to find my dress?!”) and confusion (they don’t like it, I look bad, I’m making the wrong choice, etc.). While you can still have a great memory saying yes to the dress at a later time, you will never recreate the moment.
Nervous. You get the call that your dress is in! You waited months for your dress, will you still like it? Will it fit? Will it be as amazing as you you remember? (Yes, yes, and even better!)
Anticipation. You LOVE your dress! You have your perfect accessories. You have the perfect hairstyle and your make up trial was flawless. Now you have to wait for your best day ever!

You could experience any or all of these emotions while you search for your perfect wedding dress! If you do, they are all normal, and you are not the first bride to experience them. We know how to make your bridal appointment fun and we have dresses for every bride! Make your appointment with us!