Deanna Salerno

Prom Stylist

She's the Anna of Darianna®!

Meet Deanna who is now a prom stylist. She was only 5 years old when we opened our doors and has truly grown up Darianna. Believe us when we say she knows what she’s doing.

Deanna is Gen Z with a style all her own, but in just a few minutes you realize she’s an old soul. She loves 80s music, plays the guitar, and is an avid world traveler with an incredible maturity. She’s calm and easy to be around – and knows the inventory inside out, she can easily pick your yes dress! So proud to have our beautiful Deanna in the store!

In her own words, 5 things to know about her are:

1. I love writing stories and listening to music

2. I play guitar and sing

3. My favorite color is purple

4. I love traveling in Europe

5. My favorite place in Europe is Saas-Fee, Switzerland